Monday, January 22, 2007

New piece of furniture needs a knitted doily

Even though we moved in our house over 2 years ago, this little beauty has been wrapped in shrink wrap in my garage until now. Originally this is always where I intended it to be., my wedding picture hangs above it. But when we first moved in somehow the kids toy box got there first along with other huge play things. Its also where we put the Christmas tree. So this year when the tree came down, the toy box stayed where we tucked it in the corner and some of the older and grown out toys were long forgotten about after Christmas. This is just calling out for a hand knit doily. I'm looking through books now and will do the Internet thing on it throughout the week. .

I hope to finish River's cat by tomorrow night and have a pic of it up soon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so right. It sure is beautiful! I hope you find the perfect doily