Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Long Over Due Thank You!

Thank You Ollie!!! I received my package from my SP and it was so fun to open all the stuff in one package! I must apologise for getting this up sooo late with Halloween, Gage's birthday, River's birthdat AND River's birthday party all in one week I've been ridiculously busy. Here's the scoop on the goods:
2 books: Blankies Hats & Booties
Candy Blankets
Stitch markers
3 wool soaks; citrus, aquae and flora
Sz 13 cute Bamboo needles
Sz 1 Addi turbo's 40 in...I have never had the pleasure of these before and I can't wait to ML socks
2 Sock Yarns!! Tofutsies, in purples
Fortissima Socka in greens and browns
I was just thinking that after my holiday/baby knitting is finished I just want to knit socks for a while, especially since I tore a hole in one of only my 2 pairs!
There was also a card and a Knitting magazine which is in my car because I took it to River's swim lessons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so glad you like was my pleasure!
